Corona Effect – positives & negatives Part 2

I went for a long drive needing some fresh air and a change in scenery. I met no one. I spoke to no one. But I was amazed at the number of cars on the road at this time. If everyone is supposed to be staying home and social distancing. If only essential businesses are operating. Then what are all those cars doing on the road. Perhaps they are like me, taking a drive and breathing in some fresh air.

Along my leisurely drive, Continue reading

Corona Effect – positives & negatives


Whether you are opening up Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, all you see, one post after the next, is something about the Corona virus – AKA: COVID-19. It’s the talk of the town. Rather, it’s the talk of the world. Never have I seen such a thing. Never have I lived such trying times. Never would I have thought I would feel like I am in the middle of a war.

Indeed, it feels like it’s a war. Some speculate and say it is Continue reading


“I create my life with my thoughts, speech, actions, beliefs and attitudes. I get to create my life in each moment.” ~ Unknown

How low can you go

A term that can be interpreted in many ways and it can apply to various scenarios. However, for today’s purpose, I am using this term to describe how far we are willing to put ourselves down in order to save a relationship and win back a person we love so much; someone we can’t bare the thought of living without. What would you do? How far would you go to Continue reading