Freeze your inner dialogue

Do you ever hear these voices inside your head? One is telling you to do this and the other is telling you to do that. And then comes along a third one being the observer of those two voices and questions: what the hell is wrong with you? You get frustrated with all these voices and decide to get the opinion of another external voice that may help you put your noisy voices at rest.

So that’s your inner dialogue. These voices are the conflictions of your mind. Some may call it “our monkey mind”. It’s exactly what it sounds. It’s jumping Continue reading

We live in a fake world

Don’t you feel we are living in a fake world. More and more we are surrounded by everything that seems fake, unreal, too modified, too flawless, too good to be true, and the list goes on. I am not exaggerating. I promise you that. Look around you.

Take a moment to stop and notice Continue reading

Second Chances Revealed

Do you believe in second chances? Or is there a limit on how many chances we get to do something over? Better yet, how many chances are you comfortable giving to the same person who hurt you? Do you apply the same theory of ‘second chance’ towards others as you would for yourself? Have you been given a second chance at something then lost it again? Have you given a second and third chance for someone to do better but ended up letting you down? When do you say: “enough is enough – no more chances?” Continue reading

Decision Time

Every day we face making decisions, some are insignificant, some serious while others; detrimental. Indeed, there is a wide spectrum of decisions that we ultimately make throughout our lives. Each one has the potential to change the course of our lives. While some, we give too much importance to unnecessarily. In this life, we learn ever so patiently when to take things seriously and when to lighten up. Continue reading

Stand Up For What You Believe


If I may humbly give this advice to everyone out there. I know it is hard sometimes because our circumstances may seem stronger and out-powered. We always have a choice in which road we take. Sometimes, we think it’s easier to keep quiet, and follow even if it is against what we believe or desire. We may think, it’s okay to make an exception or that it is for the betterment of others. We sacrifice Continue reading

How low can you go

A term that can be interpreted in many ways and it can apply to various scenarios. However, for today’s purpose, I am using this term to describe how far we are willing to put ourselves down in order to save a relationship and win back a person we love so much; someone we can’t bare the thought of living without. What would you do? How far would you go to Continue reading


Ever notice the similarities between driving and life itself. Ever get into a zone where you observe every move like it’s a movie and as it is playing out, you see yourself as the car you are driving. Well, I have. I have seen it several times. I have connected with the vehicle I was driving so much that I felt this was Me living my life and everything that comes my way are the exact same thing. Continue reading

Is it Strength or Is it Weakness 

Many times we are faced with situations in our lives where we have to make detrimental decisions; decisions that will alter the path we are on. We may be aware of their importance while going through them. Other times, we realize their importance later, possibly after the fact. Maybe we do it on purpose; not making things a big deal. And maybe we are aware and we feel every emotion that comes our way. Regardless Continue reading

Stay Or Walk Away

Some questions we ask; there is no easy answer to. Sometimes it’s the answer we wish we didn’t know. The answers we find were in the question from the start. One thing for sure, you must seek what you are looking for. Whether the answer is good or not for you. And so Shakespeare asked one of the biggest questions of all time: “to be or not to be”. A question with many possible answers yet I know none. And today I ask a much simpler question: “Stay or walk away”.  Continue reading

You have a choice

We all have choices to make. No one forces us to do anything we do not want to do. There is always a reason why we do certain things and why we don’t do other things. Every person is different. Everyone has a different need. What makes us happy, excited, disappointed, etc. all differs from one person to the next. So we all make different choices. We choose what we Continue reading


Why do we feel lonely at certain stages in our lives? Is it because we are really alone with no one around us or is it because we are surrounded by many that don’t fulfill what we need from them. Do you feel lonely? or Are you alone? Let us find the differences between these questions today. Continue reading